Fellowship of Tim #24 : Windom Peewees

Fellowship of Tim #24 : Windom Peewees

Tim J Smith was the editor of the Sea of Seed fanzine from 2000-­2004 and the Fellowship of Tim zine from 2004-­2011.
The FoT zines features such subjects as his foray into the world of stand up comedy, Windom MN teeballer team Windom PeeWees, the grody sink in the restroom at his gas station and more.

This issues focuses on the dynamics of the Windom Peewees youth baseball leagues that existed for several years.
All content is fictional except for the stuff that is true.

Gocco Printed on Black stock
Paperback: 32 pages
Writing & Layout by Tim J. Smith
Publisher: SOS press
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 4.3" x 5.6"
Fellowship of Tim logo by Aaron Horkey, 2004
Issued on 2009